
In addition to our specialties, we also offer several varieties of drupes. Apricots, cherries, plums, nectarines and peaches, all delicious fruits!


Onze abrikozen hebben een zachte, eetbare schil, wat het oranje gele, aromatische vruchtvlees beschermd. Als de vrucht rijp is, laat het vruchtvlees gemakkelijk los van de pit. De vrucht zit boordevol vitamines en mineralen. Onze abrikozen komen voornamelijk uit Spanje.



Kersen zijn er in vele soorten en maten. Hillfresh zorgt ervoor dat u de kwaliteit krijgt die het beste bij u past, zodat de kersentijd een commercieel succes wordt. Onze kersen komen voornamelijk uit Spanje


'There is no accounting for taste'
Francisco José Muñoz Pérez

Account manager


Unlike the peach, the nectarine has a firm but smooth and glossy skin. In terms of taste, the nectarine holds its own: it is just as sweet and juicy as the peach. We at Hillfresh import nectarines primarily from South Africa, Chile and Spain.



The plum is a very versatile drupe that comes in many variations. Each plum has its own ripening time and characteristics. What all the plums at Hillfresh have in common, however, is that they are all tested for taste, quality and shelf life. Our plums come mainly from Chile, South Africa and Spain.



Under the velvety skin of a peach is the aromatic and sweet flesh. A distinction is made according to the colour of the flesh which can be white, yellow or red. The challenge for us is to get the velvety fruit to you in one piece. We import our peaches mainly from Spain.
