
With our certifications, we ensure the quality of our products and the well-being of employees.

Our certifications

We have, among other things, the IFS3.1 Broker certificate for food safety and quality. We check annually whether we follow the correct procedures and respect the guidelines. We also have a SKAL certification, which allows us to trade organic products. Moreover, we also look at the certifications of our growers. All our certifications are in line with the SIFAV objectives.

What we ask of our growers

Only together can we make a difference. That is why we also think it is important that our producers have certain certifications. We only work with partners who are GLOBALG.A.P certified. In addition, our pineapple and melon producers have the Rainforest Alliance certificate. And because we find the SIFAV guidelines important, we encourage our partners to add them to their policies. The majority of our producers have now embraced SIFAV.