
We owe our current place in the dynamic world of fresh fruits and vegetables in part to our growers. Without them, we could never have achieved this. Our guiding principle is to bring buyers and growers closer together. We do this through transparent collaboration and the shortest possible chain to generate greater returns for all involved.

Our partners

'Working with Hillfresh is about more than doing business'
Artjan de Winter

Account manager

What we ask of our growers

At Hillfresh we don't just work with just any grower. We only want to supply top quality products and we only work with suppliers who are as enthusiastic about their products as we are and who strive for the same perfection. In addition, we require all our suppliers to comply with GLOBALG.A.P. are certified. This ensures that all our growers come from a good background. In addition, we grant our partners a decent life and act accordingly. Not only by offering realistic prices, but also by providing excellent service.

'We bring growers and buyers together'
Edward Kempeneers

Account manager